Teaching children to know Jesus, to love Jesus and to be ready for His eternal Kingdom.
God’s Promise
“Whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 18:18) God has promised to use His power to secure our children to their heavenly homes as we agree to be vessels for Him.
What to Expect
You can expect concise practical tips weekly from parents just like you, to encourage our children to love Jesus, to know Jesus, and to be ready for His eternal Kingdom.
Kingdom Ready Kids
Hi! My name is Darissa, and I am super excited to launch out into this ministry. Kingdom Ready Kids is all about children and their families being on the Sea of Glass together. I recognize my clinical background does not qualify me to share parenting tips. I’m just a Christian mom and wife, who desperately wants her family to love Jesus, know Jesus and to spend eternity with Him. I want this for my family and every family who will.
Reach Me